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Historian (Cronista) Esteban Valdes Salazar by Arturo Ramos
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Esteban Valdes Salazar is the municipal historian ("cronista") of the municipality of Totatiche, Jalisco. He was born in Totatiche and as an adult moved to Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, where he worked as a verger in one of the local parishes. It was there that his interest in genealogy and historical research began after he was exposed to the disciplines by a parrishioner. While still living in Monterrey, he wrote his first book, Los Valdes de Totatiche, which documents the various branches of the Valdes Family in Totatiche and Colotlan, Jalisco. His second book, El sacerdocio ministerial, singular don de la parroquia de Totatiche, Jalisco, documents the descendants of Joseph Cayetano Grano and his six daughters, who are considered pivotal figures in the history of Totatiche and who are the ancestors of most of the illustrious clergy that has come from Totatiche. He has also documented the genealogy of Saint Cristobal Magallanes Jara, who was born and served as priest in Totatiche, and most recently wrote a two volume history of Totatiche. This history, which was published by the Ministry of Culture of the State of Jalisco, can be found in many of the most renowned libraries in the United States.
Arturo Ramos is an economist in Washington, DC. His family immigrated to Los Angeles, where he was born, from the vicinity of Totatiche, Jalisco. His interest in genealogy was inspired by his father, who had himself collected and compiled subtantial genealogical information about their family before Arturo joined the effort. Arturo is an active member of the Nuestros Ranchos genealogy group ( and has traced many of his lineages back to the 17th century. He is currently writing a book which explores the historical ethnography of the Totatiche region and documents his father's genealogy within this ethnological context.
Interview with Dr. Dona De Sanctis/Columbus: Fact vs. Fiction
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This Podcast was conducted by Bazooka Joe of the Small World Podcast. Please visit his site to find many many high quality inteviews on a variety of topics.
Columbus: Fact vs. Fiction
Monday October 10th 2005, 12:30 am
Filed under: small WORLD Podcasts
Interview with Dr. Dona De Sanctis of the Order Sons of Italy in America about the Columbus: Fact vs. Fiction report which presents a series of documented facts on the life of Columbus, his explorations and their significance, as well as the history of Columbus Day in the United States. We discuss the controversial charges about the explorer that have been levied in recent years, accusing him of racism, genocide and slave trading; how Columbus was considered a hero for most of U.S. history; pictures, painting and postage stamps of Columbus; the reputation of Columbus which they say has suffered at the hands of special interest groups since 1992 to further their 21st century political and social agendas; the true accomplishments and mistakes of Columbus; who really discovered Amercia; John Cabot; Giovanni da Verrazano; Amerigo Vespucci; diseases and pestililence brought to the new world; cocaine and tobacco; charges of racism against Columbus; his belief in God; clashes with the Taíno, Arawaks, Caribs and Canibs; slavery; cannibalism; judging 15th century morality by 21st century values; striving to live by our ideals.
Featured song is “One Love One World” by Craymo.
Previous Interviews:
I would like to encourage you to visit and join Dorinda Moreno and I archive conferences,
seminars, oral histories and all available sources of audio files on Indigenous* History and Genealogy.
*(as in Latina/Latino, Hispanic, Chicana/Chicano, Mexicana/Mexicano, and all other descriptors identifying the peoples of the America's and Western Hemisphere.)