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Oral History
Places Left Unfinished at the Time of Creation
Cuentos De Kiko - Frank Moreno Sifuentes
Chicken Soup for the Latino Soul (
Chamuscando & Abuelita Virginia
1953 Boronda Family History: Francesca Abby & Emma Ambrosia
Los Cuentos de Kiko
I'm so happy to introduce Frank Moreno Sifuentes to the Nuestra Familia Unida podcast community. In this series of Oral History Cuentos expect to hear about one family, but the experiences are those of an immigrant nation.
Frank Moreno Sifuentes, 74. Born in Austin, Texas
when its population was only 38,000 (now around l,000,000!) In l950 joined the U.S. Navy during the
Korean War. After getting out fell in love with Sarah
Diaz; and married in Compton, CA. We had three daughters and three sons; and now have 11 grandchildren and two great grandchildren.
Both of us had careers in human services. After retiring on Social Security we became resident managers for low-income Seniors in l997 and now live
at the Patrician Apts. and administer a 87 unit complex. Graduated from UCLA 1962 in History & Spanish. Got a Certificate in Youth Counseling at
Arizona State University. Was deeply involved in the
Chicano Social Movement 1965 to the present.
Have been writing essays, stories, letters, resolutions,
press releases since l964. The last 10 years worked as Public Relations & Resource Development for Health Education and Children's Services.
In the introductory Cuento "Las Lagrimas de Mama Grande Juanita - 1938" You'll hear of a family that endured hardship as immigrants in this country in the hopes of a better life for "la familia."
===> "Las Lagrimas de Mama Grande Juanita - 1938" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Mama Grande Lupe - Influenza" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "1915 - Mexican Immigrant" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Immigrantes Mejicanos" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Angelino Batres: Immigrant" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "The Day Roosevelt Died - 1944" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "With Due Respect to Erma Bombeck" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "The Black Squad - 1948" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "From Drive By Shootings to Toxic Clouds" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "My Unusual Birth - 1932" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "The Three Musketeers" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Early School Memories - 1938" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Chrismas Memories - 1943 - Losers Weepers Finders Keepers" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "El Lote Grande de Nuestra Vecinidad" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Shoe Shine Boy in a White Man's Barber Shop - 1945" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Canicas Con Stella by Starlight" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Pedro Chaisse - Mexican Immigrant 1924" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Canicas Con Connie Castillo - Christmas 1947" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "My Personal Resolve - Korean War Revisit" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Halloween Night - 1944" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "It Remains Prohibited" by Pablo Neruda
===> "Japanese Love Goddess - 1951" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "La Calle Ancha Del Pasado" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "La Nieve" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Las Cucarachas" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Las Lindas Mujeres" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "My Testimony To The 9-11 Event" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Puppy Love At A Distance - 1945" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "The Bean Contest" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Water Rationing 1991 part 01" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Water Rationing 1991 part 02" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Water Rationing 1991 part 03" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "The Price Chicanos Must Pay For Recognition" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Poverty Warriors" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Tio Tacos Are People Too" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Summer Camp 1941" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Iona: Carnival Girl" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Going Down Hill" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "1948 Bantam Weight Champion" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Tio Tonio" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "The San Antonio Light 1944" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Mano-A-Mano" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Humor In Uniform" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Eliza Silva - Part 01 English" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Eliza Silva - Part 01 Spanish" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Eliza Silva - Part 02 Spanish" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Carlos Ibanez - English" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Carlos Ibanez - Spanish" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Getting Further Away From Our Roots" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "George Chapo's Father" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Illegal Immigrants" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Los Prietos de la Calle Ancha" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "You Never Read Them Books!" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Requerdos De Mi Padre, Benito Sifuentes" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "My Step Father Tomas Martinez" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Yvette 'La Vette' " by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Summer On Route 66" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Canicas Wishful Thinking" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Chicano Veteran Role Models" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Mexican Immigrant Luis Morrillo" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Mexican Immigrant Policarpo Castro" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "On The Way To War" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Pal Joey" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Search For Chicano Identity" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Search For Chicano Identity - The 1968 Walkouts" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Babe and the Cadillac" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "El Cucui" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Rhyme for Children" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "The Prize" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Examinando el 'CH' " by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Experiencing the Wild Blue Yonder" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "My Brother Kiko and His Sifuentes Siblings" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Post Script Research Effort That Failed" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Second Thoughts" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Sobre El Cinto" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "George Chapo Story" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Calcutta 1973" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Daddy Blue" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Letter to my Jefito" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Tortilla Lore" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "ArtOfNicknaming_01" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "ArtOfNicknaming_02" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Calcutta 1973" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Christmas Kiss" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Destino de Mama Grande" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Football Mania" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "La Jefita" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Las Mamas" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Letter to my Jefito" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Lupe Lemos y El Puerquito" part 1 by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Lupe Lemos y El Puerquito" part 2 by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Lupe Lemos y El Puerquito" part 3 by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Lupe Lemos y El Puerquito" part 4 by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Lupe Lemos y El Puerquito" part 5 by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Ormigas Rojas" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Secret Gift" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Tortilla Lore" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Chicano Mythology 101" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Elena Cortez De Luna" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Hijo De Frank Menendez" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Juanita Y Jose Montoya" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "La Muerte - Worst Accident 1" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "La Muerte - Worst Accident 2" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Mama Grande Juanita 3" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Poker Passion 1" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Poker Passion 2" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Poker Passion 3" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Poker Passion 4" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Poker Passion 5 - Refujiado" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Poker Passion 6 - Final" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Sonny Moreno Death - Conclusion" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Turkey Day" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "El Zapatero, Dios, y El Diablo" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Anastacio Torres" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Gonzalo Clark" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Tom Lopez De Hawaii USA" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "La Llorona" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "El Grenudo" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Aurora Of Golden Years" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Eating" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "La Chaqueta" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Letter To Tootsie" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Me And The Law 1" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Me And The Law 2" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Michael Sedano" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "New Lottery Vigil 01" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "New Lottery Vigil 02" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Se Trata De Dinero 01" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Se Trata De Dinero 02" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Se Trata De Dinero 03" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Se Trata De La Lotteria" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Smoking Cessation" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Story Within A Story" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Un Viejito Y Su Esposa" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Letter to Betolin 01" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Letter to Betolin 02" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
===> "Se Trata De La Llanta" by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
Chicken Soup for the Latino Soul
I've been in contact with Dr. Susan Sánchez-Casal and she has graciously given Nuestra Familia Unida permission to link to her podcast located at:
Welcome to Chicken Soup for the Latino Soul
Along with Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen and the 73 contributing authors whose wonderful stories and poems are reaching out to thousands across the nation, I welcome you to the Latino Soul website. Chicken Soup for the Latino Soul brings together some of the most talented voices and insightful perspectives in American storytelling today. It is a book by, for and about Latin@ people, but its diverse, blockbuster stories and poems have appeal for ALL readers (of course it won't hurt if you're already interested in Latino life in the USA, and the richness of Latino cultures and storytelling!). Latino Soul is a book to be read and reread, to be shared and treasured. Everytime you come back to the book, you will discover something new. Here's what Emmy award-winning journalist Catherine Anaya says about Latino Soul:
"Chicken Soup for the Latino Soul: Celebrating La Comunidad Latina is a collection of powerful stories and poems written by people from all over the country. They are stories about family, loyalty to our parents, the wisdom of our grandparents, the deep sense of faith in the community, and so much more... The stories will make you laugh, they'll make you cry and if you're like me, you'll finish the book with an even greater sense of Latino strength and pride" (Catherine Anaya, Latino Perspectives Magazine,
But don't take anyone's word for it! Check out the selection of featured stories in The Book section and see for yourself why everyone is praising Latino Soul.
Gracias, y un saludo caluroso,
Susan Sánchez-Casal
***BEST CHOICE: Please subscribe to her podcast by inserting the follwing RSS feed into your aggragator software:
or you can download to your computer by right clicking on the following links and choosing "Save Target Link As" to save to your computer or just click on the link to listen to the podcast directly on your computer:
===> Podcast #1 - Introduction, reading of poem "University Avenue" by Pat Mora
===> Podcast #2 - Marie Delgado Travis reads "Abolengo"
===> Podcast #3 - Anjela Villarreal Ratliff reads "In My Classroom"
===> Podcast #4 - Norma Oquendo reads "I'll Always Remember You"
===> Podcast #5 - Kathy Cano Murillo reads "Dad, The Rock Star of Tamale Makers"
===> Podcast #6 - Marie Delgado Travis reads "Me and Don Paco"
===> Podcast #7 - Monica Garcia Saenz reads "A Hero's Story"
===> Podcast #8 - Nilsa Mariano reads "Hunger"
This is a short story by Ernesto Uribe about his experience Chamuscando,
burning the thorns off Nopales as taught by his grandfather Carlos B. Ortiz
on his farm close to Laredo, South Texas.
===> Click on this link to listen to the podcast
Aceite de Ricino (Castor Oil)
A story about how my Abuelita Virginia Diaz (dob: 1886; Ranchos de Animas,
Santa Maria de Los Angeles, Jalisco) and my Mom wrestled some Castor Oil into me.
===> Click on this link to listen to the podcast
===> Click on this link to listen P.W. Fenton's Version "My Grandmother's Castor Oil"
P.W.Fenton has an absolutely wonderful podcast. It's one of the few that I have completely archived and listen to over again. Top notch
quality. Please have a listen and subscribe:
Places Left Unfinished at the Time of Creation by John Phillip Santos ©
Many thanks to Texas Public Radio (KSTX 89.1 FM, KPAC 88.3 FM, KTXI 90.1 FM) for their permission to link to the following reading of Places Left Unfinished at the Time of Creation by the author John Phillip Santos. Much information on a variety of subjects both in print and audio format can be found on their website: More Information on Mr. Santos' book reading can be found at: and the podcast can be subscribed to with their RSS feed:
Between August 7 and August 18, 2006, Texas Public Radio presented on-air readings of the family memoir of San Antonio author John Phillip Santos, Places Left Unfinished at the Time of Creation. The story, read by Santos himself, was broadcast on KSTX 89.1 FM. The chapters are archived on this page to listen online or download as MP3 files.
We thank those of you who joined us in this ambitious project in celebration of the "1 Book. 1 San Antonio." program. This initiative is a community-wide reading project to encourage all residents to read the same book at the same time. The goal is to bring the community together through the common bond of reading. The broadcasts on KSTX were sponsored by HEB, the San Antonio Express-News and the San Antonio Public Library Foundation.
Sponsored by:
Santos is a Program Officer at the Ford Foundation in New York and the first Mexican-American Rhodes scholar to study at Oxford. He is a well-known journalist and author of several television documentaries.
The book is a powerful memoir of Mexican-American life. Born in San Antonio in 1957, the author is a journalist and television documentary producer for CBS and the first Mexican-American Rhodes Scholar. He grew up in an extended family whose elder members remembered a Texas that had not yet become anglicized. Through their eyes, Santos revisits that time, looking deeply into the Mexican past as a way of informing the present.
Section One: Testimonio
====>Click to hear Chapter One - Tierra de las Viejitas / Land of the Little Old Ladies
====>Click to hear Chapter Two - Codices de los Abuelos / Grandfather Codices
====>Click to hear Chapter Three - Valle de Silencio / Valley of Silence
Section Two - Mexico Viejo
====>Click to hear Chapter Four - Cuento Mestizo / Mestizo Tale
====>Click to hear Chapter Five - El Sendero Florido / The Flowered Path
====>Click to hear Chapter Six - De Huisache a Cedro / From Huisache to Cedar
Section Three - Peregrinaje
====>Click to hear Chapter Seven - Zona De Niebla / Fog Zone
====>Click to hear Chapter Eight - Teatro Aztec / Aztec Theatre
====>Click to hear Chapter Nine - Lluvia de Piedras / Rain of Stones
Section Four - Volador
====>Click to hear Chapter Ten - Exilio / Exile
====>Click to hear Chapter Eleven - La Ruta / The Route
====>Click to hear Chapter Twelve - Una Canción / A Song
====>Click to hear Epilogue
====>Click to hear Tent of Grief: An Afterword
Related Programs
====>Click to hear Panel Discussion
====>Click to hear Interview with John Phillip Santos
Copyright © 2006 John Phillip Santos
1953 Recording: Francesca (Fanny) Abby & Emma Ambrosia
===> Click To Hear Original Version
===> Click to Hear Noise Reduced Version (some distortion)
This recording is of an interview of two descendents of the Boronda family of California,
Francesca ABBY and EMMA AMBROSIA. The recording was made for/by the Carmel
Valley (California) Historical Society in 1953 or 1954. the interviewer is Julie Risdon.
Fanny (Francesca) ABBY was the daughter of Juan POMBER(T) and Dona Maria Los Angeles
BORONDA. Dona Maria was the daughter of Juana Maria COTA and Jose
Manuel BORONDA, reputedly a native of Jerez, Mexico.
Emma AMBROSIA was born in Monterey, California in one of the old Boronda adobes
(still standing) in about 1869/1870 and died not too many years after this recording was
made. She
was daughter of Refuncio Allen, who was daughter of a BORONDA.
The interview includes a great deal of information about the life of Californios in the 19th
century in Monterey County, California. This portion is a brief introduction to the two
ladies and their family, ending with a few Spanish songs they learned from their mothers
and grandmothers.