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Bobby LeFebre Featured on Tiahui Podkast
Diego Davalos
Jim Moreno
Frank Moreno Sifuentes
Paulette Atencio
Marge Vallazza
Tiahui Podkast: "My Roots Run Deep" © by Bobby LeFebre
===> Click to Hear Tiahui Podkast: "My Roots Run Deep" © by Bobby LeFebre
===> Click for a Word File of: "My Roots Run Deep" © by Bobby LeFebre
The Tiahui Podkast: produced by Cisco Gallardo is bringing
forth a variety of information and audio about the Chicano community.
Please go to the Tiahui Podkast website and subscribe to the podcast via
their RSS feed:
===> Click to Hear Tiahui Podkast #5 15 Dec 2006
Friday, December 15, 2006
~::Cafe Cultura::~ "Indigenous Unity! ¡Unidad Indigena!"
December 8th, 2006
===> Click to Hear Tiahui Podkast #4: 25 Aug 2006
Friday, August 25, 2006
Interview with Nita Gonzales, eldest daughter of the late Rodolfo
"Corky" Gonzales. This interview is a rare glimpse into the life of one
of the most profound leaders of the Chicano Movement, author of the epic
poem, "Yo Soy Joaquin", founder of the Crusade For Justice and of the
===> Click to Hear Tiahui Podkast #3 09 June 2006
Friday, June 9, 2006
Dia de Cuauhtemoc with Danza Azteca de Anáhuc in Taos, NM. Also Xikano spoken word from Café Cultura.
===> Click to Hear Tiahui Podkast #2 09 Feb 2006
Thursday, February 9, 2006
Interview with Enrique Maestas from Danza Azteca Tlaloc.
===> Click to Hear Tiahui Podkast #1 23 Jan 2006
January 23, 2006
The 1st episode of Tiahui Podkast
This edition goes live inside a counterprotest in Denver, Colorado. The
Minutemen of recent "wanna-be-a-border-patrol" fame get confronted by
"not-having-it" Denver community members. Interviews and excerpts from
the protest included.
"Reclamando La Linea" © by Diego Davalos
===> Click to Hear "Reclamando La Linea" by Diego Davalos
Estoy reclamando la linea
In the name of my people
In the name of memory
In the name of ancestors
Reclaiming the line
This place where I have been standing
I am straddling two worlds
I am walking the line between the northern and southern hemispheres
I once stood at the middle of the world
The earth balanced between my legs
I stood looking at the line
Realizing I have always walked that line
I have waffled between the north and the south
My heart in the east
My soul in the west
I was born in Ecuador
I was born in the Andes
I was born left handed, premature
I was born
I am living on this other line
This other border
Straddling two countries
Standing between two languages
A fence sways in the world
Separates me from my other language
There is a line marked on the map
That tells me this is America
There is a line on a map that tells me that is Mexico
My other twin my other half my other consciousness
There where bananas are a food
There where corn is sacred
There where pyramids touch the sun
And farther south where my cousins the Mayans dwelled
There where their pyramids touched the stars
My eyes travel even farther south to the homeland
My tierra mi gente the Incas
There high in the mountains we lived
Before the Spanish before the cross before the bible
Before the sword
And now I am walking this line again
Between these worlds
There below me is the Southern Hemisphere
Where my ancestors are
And here in the north
Where my mother father sister brother
And all my circles and families live
This place near the ocean that I love
That sometimes does not love me
Where my skin bronzes in the sun
Where the earth is my color
And where I can cross a line
Where I can enter another country
Reclamando La Linea
Reclaim the line
And all the area around it
All the hemispheres./
The poem, "Reclamando la Linea" is an original work by Diego Davalos
Copyright © 2006 by Diego Davalos
"Cesar" © by Diego Davalos
===> Click to Hear "Cesar" by Diego Davalos
The poem, "Cesar" is an original work by Diego Davalos.
I am looking for Cesar Chavez.
I am looking for his spirit.
I see him in the faces
of the men being chased by la migra.
I see him in the faces of those still picking our crops.
I see him in the faces of my students.
I see him right now in your faces.
I have been waiting for someone to remember his sacrifices.
To take his heart into their hearts
and hold them there and feel them deeply.
I want you to make a sacrifice right now.
I want you to go on a sacred run from Alaska to Panama.
I want you to pray for six hours straight.
I want you to go on a hunger strike.
I am waiting for one of you to be a uniting leader,
for one of you to bring the parts of our community together.
I am looking for Cesar in the faces of our young people.
I am looking for Cesar.
He is looking for us, has been waiting for us to wake up,
we have been waiting for Cesar to return to help us,
and he has been here all this time.
As we honor him and remember him
many have forgotten to do what he did.
I am waiting for us to honor our
Filipino brothers and sisters, to unite again with them.
I am looking for Cesar in your faces,
waiting for you to call a huelga.
I am waiting for all the danzantes
to unite and dance under a common drum,
to honor Cesar, to honor the Peace and Dignity runners.
I am looking for Cesar Chavez.
Have you seen him? Are you looking for him?
Are you looking inside of yourselves?
I am finding Cesar today. We are all Cesar.
I see him everyday. I see him right now.
I am him right now.
He is standing here right now.
He is weak from fasting and praying
for us to love each other again,
to lay down our differences.
I am praying and will continue to pray
for six straight hours.
I am looking for Cesar Chavez.
Have you seen him?
Have you? Have you, have you, have you?
Are you seeing him, are you looking?
Do you believe you will find him?
Copyright © 2006 by Diego Davalos
"Mestisos Do Not Like Revolution" © by Diego Davalos
===> Click to Hear "Mestisos Do Not Like Revolution" by Diego Davalos
Meztisos do not like revolution
they like romantic illusions of past revolutions
they want to drink tequila and shoot guns in the air
to honor Zapata Juarez Villa
they want to romanticize murals of Rivera and Siquieros
they love the Zapatistas movement they love to wear Che Guevara
they love to quote sub-commandante Marcos but meztisos do not like revolution
they love the Raiders they love shaved heads
love low riders home boys they love the violence and killing of the streets
they are private warriors they are savage drunks they are rough husbands and brutal fathers
Latinos Hispanics Mexicans Mexican’t
coconuts brown outside white inside cremas fresas rico suaves delicados mimados dorados
we like to shoot out of windows from a safe distance at our own people
we do not like to make waves or start a revolution we are more likely to drive down
revolucion ave. in TJ we love the sound of fireworks but we do not make a sound we do not
complain except in private when we are full of beer piss margaritas weed speed
we are brave as shit we love the distant fight talk constantly about jews blacks gays asians
filipinos white woman black woman all woman we love to love and hate them love to complain
but hate to do anything the brown people love to pick a fight with each other
we do not want to ask the man to step outside we would rather fight our own cousin at a quince
we love to hate our own familias we love to stay in our backyards and cook carne asada
we love to talk shit about our neighbors about those with better jobs
we love to hate each others we hate the arabs we hate the other
never realize we are the other the brown gente hate to protect the earth la madre tierra
we forgot we came from the earth that we are the color of the earth
we go to the beach and stay on the towel or on the grass or hide from the sun
or we might get too dark brown people hate the revolution takes too much time might miss the
game we hate the price of beer weed gas food cable tv and entertainment
we hate our own music and the music of others we hate the mistakes of our own children
we forgot our own mistakes, we hate our own brownness./
The poem, "Mestisos Do Not Like Revolution" is an original work by Diego Davalos
Copyright © 2006 by Diego Davalos
"Save The Centro" © by Diego Davalos
===> Click to Hear "Save The Centro" by Diego Davalos
save the centro i heard the chant
save the nation bomb them to save them
beat them to save them
remember you remember
this hurts me more than you
we must bomb them to make them respect us
we are better purer whiter browner more spiritual more jesus like than them more able to
assimilate more independent more radical more just more we never did sell out like them
tokens them coconuts
if you cannot lick them then join them
takes one to know one
i am rubber you are glue
what ever you say bounces off me and sticks to you
sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me
rain rain go away come again another day
hell no we won’t go
what do we want
what do we get
spare the rod spoil the child
save them from them selves
we have met the enemy and it is us
badges do not have to show you no stinking badges
i do not have to show you no chicano credentials
shoot when you see the brown of their skin
we will march we will shut them down
we shall over come
when in aztlan do as they do in aztlan
hurry before its too late
darkest before the dawn
darkest near the border
when you see the nopal on the forehead call the migra
we come in peace
el pueblo desunido siempre sera vencido
el desmadre es our madre our mantra
ain’t no drama like chicano drama
we are united
in our dislike of all those who do not share our own point of view
si se puede
tell me who you hang with i tell you who you are
now is the time you say to take it back
its in our blood its in our history its in our destiny
its a fatal flaw in our genetic tragic comic novela double helix cosmic dysfunctional
institutionalized racism classism meism
play with my friends in my own sandbox gracias
save it save it save it
once when i was young i saved money
used to believe that jesus would save me
maybe you pray to la virgen to save you
thought parents doctors soldiers would save you
from the bogey man el cucui el cancer el communism or terrorism
now who can save us save us save the centro
who are we saving it for what are we saving it from
and when we are there have supplanted the planted then what
return to the status quo
and how come no one saved it from us
when you or them were screwing it up
or was that ok and is that what we are saving?
or is it now that they have it you just have to have it back
and when you had it did someone want to take it from you too
and who was saving it then and why did you not save it?
or did you run it into the ground did you use it for your personal storage
did you use it to promote yourself and store your own art
did you or did you not and if we do manage to save it from them
those women or that board how will you be different from the same people who
lost it in the first place if someone had not fucked it up
seems like we would not need to save it now
try this right now,
save yourself save your soul save the nation save the rain forest
save the panda the spotted owl the polar ice caps from melting
save social security save our world from islamic terrorists from christian fundamentalists
but who will save us from chicano separatists from social stratification
from racial disharmony who will save us from those who hate
those who hate the Centro those who hate the chicano park steering committee
those who hate this chicano prefer this chicano those who hate this chicana
prefer this artista those who boycott not just grapes but people
and now we are boycotting a building
and we turn our aggression not against the police
or the city of san diego or the terminator governor
or the war bushes or the chargers padres gentrification petco
who do we turn our collective internalized anger oppression to
we turn it on each other we turn it on corporate sponsorship of the arts
but who funds you who funds art who is art
does the community even care about writers painters poets activists
does the community support our elders our sacred places
our ceremonies our way of life our way of prayer
i want to save many things too
lets start with saving our breath
saving our time
saving our children
where were all of these people when the blue print for education was killing our students
where are all the latinos when we are going off to war
when recruiters are gobbling up our youth and taking them to iraq
when our children are coming back from war damaged dead angry confused
that's what i want to save
yes its important to save history save memory save a building
save tradition but lets not save our ignorance our stupidity our blindness
less save our best for this time when we need to act collectively not
in opposition not in confrontation not in anger not in aggression
let us open our hearts let us open our mouths to pray
i want to save a moment to pray for those fallen in war
those sick from cancer those who cannot pay their bills
i want to save those children trapped in classrooms built for testing
i want to save them from boredom and save the centro of my own heart
to pray for guidance and love and compassion for nancy and viviana
let us save our love for them that we imagine oppose us
and if there is confrontation and stagnation then let us build new spaces
and save them from what is bad in us
so that we do not have to keep saving our Centro from ourselves./
The poem, "Save The Centro" is an original work by Diego Davalos
Copyright © 2006 by Diego Davalos
"Low Riders" © by Jim Moreno
===> Click to Hear "Low Riders" by Jim Moreno
The poem, "Low Riders," is an original work by Jim Moreno.
Jim Moreno is a member of the Langston Hughes Poetry Circle.
He teaches poetry at the Encanto Boys & Girls Club in southeast
San Diego and with the Court and Community Schools. Moreno lives
in City Heights with his daughter Marian and his Huskies Zorita,
aka Foxy, and Butterscotch. Jim can be contact at:
Low Riders Copyright © by Jim Moreno
Hey Vato!
Hey, tu vato!
There's a place where
The greens are deep emerald
Like ancient Mayan jungles,
Steaming after warm Indian rains.
There's a place where
The blues are crisp and clear
Like deep blue Oaxaca summer skies,
There's a place where the blacks
Penetrate like black night jaguars
Silently stalking trembling prey,
There's a place where the crimson
Reds gush hot eye lava warming
Works of the best Chicano art,
Works of the best Chicano artists
Moving through heaving city night.
You wanta see the works?
You wanta see the works
Of El Maestro, or Senor Cordero,
Or Fat Rat, or El Jefe?
You wanta see art from Los Cuatro
Like Gibert Lujan, aka Magu?
You wanta be in awe of Chicanosaurus?
Victor Ochoa in the Chicano Thesaurus.
You wanta see the work
Of Chico Gonzalez,
Or Adrian Hernandez,
Or Jesse Valadez,
Or Rigo Reyes?
Aguas esse it’s gonna be beautiful!
You wanta see some fine
Mohair upholstery backing up
Some fine wood grain instrument panels
Fronting some fine velour swivel seats?
Don't forget the fine wrinkle pleats,
The diamond tucks, button tufts
Looking real O.G. (Original Gangster) fine...
I'm talking Lowriders,
I'm talking tuck and roll interior,
Chrome trim under hood
With in line 6 for that perfect muffler sound,
That deep bass vrooooommmmmm purr¾
Purr some more with your bad aftermarket hubs
You used to pry off and put in the trunk when you
Got to the dance, and then after you were loading
Your chica bonita in your flame painted La Bomba
You’d put those bad ass chrome boy hubs right back on.
Lowriders esse...
I'm talking Lowriders.
Bajito Y suavecito
Gitana Rosa, '64.
La Cucaracha, '29.
Mr. Rabbit &
Twilight Zone, 1962.
Afterlife, '93.
El Gallo de Sinaloa, 1966
Zapatista 58,
El Chicano, '38.
Chico's 63.
Not sand bagged,
Or cement blocked,
Or red hot springed,
Or cut springed,
But slammed to the floor
elevator hydrolicked,
fat man chrome-plated
chain linked,
'38 to '64,
La Bomba or Traditional...
The symbol of ethnic pride statement,
The symbol of resistance to assimilation,
The symbol of Mexicano familias,
The symbol of Mexicano communidad,
The symbol of fiestas feliz,
The symbol of life-giving fundraisers,
The symbol of laugh at high society calaveras,
High society ain't saints esse.
Los Ricos pierce the red brown hand with the spike
That gushes Otomi Indian blood into the tin funnel
Funneling crimson waterfall
Into bottle of no cork, no ferment chemical
Cut-the-aftertaste-with-a-shot-of-agua street wine,
Pachucos martyrs forced to drink to kill the pain
After sword fell severing hands and heels, and hearts.
Nasty NAFTA greedy green¾ bloody red,
Jobless hungry brown town,
Cut all the green trees down,
And aren't those tiny slave children working NAFTA slave fields?
And aren't those tired slave women working for 10 peso days?
Neoliberal speculation cutting Mexicanos
To the quick, to the wallet, to the heart, ,
NAFTA pintarrajo Mexicanos son muy sufridos,
Not like lowrider painters painting for the people,
Like David Avalos painted,
Like Atzlan Rifa, Like Lord Enchilada,
Like Colassus and the Bomba, Jose Eagle
Painted reminding us to live las vida loca.
Where the Amigos or the Groupe
Cool Lowrider family clubs,
Flash shiny continental kits,
Fender skirts, fake bullet spot lights,
In lowered stances with great "ghost" flames,
Pinstriping or roses, 150 hand painted roses,
Or a dead black chopped lead sled
Screaming Chicano Pride!
Chicano power!
Chicano people.
Hey, vato.
Sharp dressers,
Highly visible defiers of
Rebelling against segregation.
Contra racismo.
Viva Mexicanos!
Viva Chicanos!
Viva Latinos!
Muchos nombres,
Una raza.
Hey vato!
Tu vato.
Bajito y suavecito.
Low and slow.
Like the sleepy sun rising
On bright colored tropic birds
In steamy, ancient Mayan jungles,
After warm Indian rains
Have washed the blood land clean.
Copyright © 2006 by Jim Moreno
It Remains Prohibited by Pablo Neruda
===> Click to Hear "It Remains Prohibited" by Pablo Neruda
The poem "It Remains Prohibited" by Pablo Neruda is translated and read by Frank Moreno Sifuentes
Paulette Atencio
I am so happy to introduce Paulette Atencio to the Nuestra Familia Unida podcast. Paulette is a Professional Story Teller and published author. Her webpage: gives us the following information about her work:
Governor's Award for the Excellence in the Arts 2004
WESTAF Circuit Riders Award
Named First Lady of the Chama Valley by the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority
Women of Distinction Award by the NM Sangre de Cristo Girl Scouts
Selected into Who's Who Among Hispanic Americans
Inducted into Who's Who Among Hispanic Women
Inducted into the International Institute of Professional and Business Women
Associate of Art Degree in Culinary Arts
Received the SST Positive Role Model Award
Best Writer in Rio Arriba Award
Pat on The Back Award for community service and keeper of culture & traditions
Recognition for Academic Achievement for Community Service
from Albuquerque TVI Community College
Recognition for a storytelling performance at the Status of Women Award Ceremony
Contact information for Workshops or Performances:
Paulette Atencio - (505) 756-2207
===> Click on this link to listen to "La Morena Linda"
===> Click on this link to listen to "The Little Match Girl"
"The Other Pioneers," by Roberto Felix Salazar
The poem, "The Other Pioneers," by Roberto Felix Salazar read by Margarita Vallazza, is from an anthology of Mexican American literature entitled We Are Chicanos. This book was compiled and edited by Philip D. Ortega, Ph. D., and published by Washington Square Press in 1973.
===> Click on this link to listen to "The Other Pioneers"
Margarita Vallazza can be contacted at:
"My Grandmother Would Rock Quietly and Hum," by Leonard Adame
"My Grandmother Would Rock Quietly and Hum," by Leonard Adame read by Margarita Vallazza is a poem from the Chicano anthology From the Barrio, edited by Luis Omar Salinas and Lillian Faderman and published in 1973 by Canfield Press, a Department of Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc.
===> Click on this link to listen to "My Grandmother Would Rock Quietly and Hum"
Margarita Vallazza can be contacted at:
"The Grass Widow of the North" by Margarita Vallazza
'The Grass Widow of the North' is a title that is analogous to a hunting and gathering culture where the men of a tribe or village go hunting and their wives/women stay in a temporary communal hut...married women but without their men. Such women were known as "grass widows." When the hunters triumphantly return with their "trophies" of flesh, there is a huge celebration and all the people celebrate with a huge feast that culminates in the burning of hut. In this poem, this woman is apart from her husband because he's gone to look for work in the North. The words are also sound effects and, if you listen carefully, you can hear "La Llorona" in the wind and a reference to the children's rhyme, "Que llueva, que llueva, la Virgen en la cueva" I sang with my playmates when it rained.
'Tempus Fugit' Stopped in Its Tracks is an oxymoronic reference to time flying but going nowhere because it is stopped. The poem also refers to a popular 1930s song generally played on an accordian. The poem also refers to the Quetzalquatl legend and Malinche.
'Mexico' touches on the oil boom and resultant financial depression of the 1980s.
===> Click on this link to listen to Poetry by Margarita Vallazza
Margarita Vallazza's book is out of print but she has a few copies available, contact her directly at: