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Coyote-Mestizo: Cahmizo father and Mestizo mother
"Here On Earth - Christmas Music from the New World: La Noche Buena"
"Brown: The Last Discovery of America"
"The Rise and Fall of Salsa"
"An African Empire in the Americas" Dr. J. Lorand Matory, Ph.D.
Noche de Candela - September 15, 2006
"Black-Brown Relations in NC" The State of Things
"Age of Discovery" Dr. David Kalivas, Ph.D.
"Earliest African Slaves in New World"
Coyote, Mulatto, Negro
Here On Earth (
La Noche Buena
Thank you very much to the ("Here On Earth - Radio Without Borders" ) podcast.
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===> Click to hear "Christmas Music from the New World: La Noche Buena"
Tune into Here on Earth this hour to hear original Christmas music from
the New World sung by SAVAE, the San Antonio Vocal Arts Ensemble in the
languages of the Maya, the Inca, and the Aztecs. click on this link to read complete show notes:
"Brown: The Last Discovery of America" by Richard Rodriguez ©
===> Click To Hear "Brown: The Last Discovery of America" Real Player Only
for a free download of Real Player:
WGBH Forum Network Live and Archived Webcasts of Free Public Lectures
in Partnership with Boston's Leading Cultural and Educational Organizations.
Presented by WGBH in association with the Lowell Institute.
Please go to the WGBH Forum Network webpage to find a complete listing of many high quality audio programs: Also subscribe to the
podcast via their RSS feed:
Brown: The Last Discovery of America
Richard Rodriguez, writer, 2003 Melcher Book Award winner
The Frederic G. Melcher Book Award is presented annually by the Unitarian Universalist Association to a work published in the United States during the past calendar year judged to be the most significant contribution to religious liberalism. Previous Melcher Book award recipients include David Halberstam for The Children, Wei Jingsheng for The Courage to Stand Alone, and James Carroll for Constantine's Sword: The Church and the Jews.
Brown completes a trilogy on American public life by Rodriguez that began with the award-winning Hunger of Memory: The Education of Richard Rodriguez (Bantam, 1983) and Days of Obligation: An Argument With My Mexican Father (Penguin, 1993). In Brown, he explores issues of race, arguing that America has been brown since its inception, as he himself is. Brown, in his view, is not a color, but a mixture, evidence of the blending of cultures which began the moment the African and European met within the Indian eye. The son of Mexican immigrants, he reflects on what it means to be Hispanic in America and how Latino immigrants have impacted American culture, changing it from a society that has traditionally seen itself as simply black and white.
Copyright © 2006 Richard Rodriguez, All Rights Reserved.
Here On Earth: Radio Without Borders "The Rise and Fall of Salsa"
====> Click Here to Listen to "The Rise and Fall of Salsa"
Visit the Here On Earth website:
An Indian from Equador talks about the rise and fall of Salsa as a uniquely Puerto-Rican American art form, this hour on Here on Earth with Jean Feraca.
- Jose Obando, former Executive Director of the International Salsa Museum in Spanish Harlem, Salsa Consultant for the Metropolitan Museum of
Art, CEO of Lubona Corp
Related Links
Soundbites and Music Used in the Program
- Milton Cardona - "Yemaya" - From the album Bembe - American Clave Records
- Daniel Santos - "La Retirada" - From the album Cuatro Grandes del Bolero - Suave Records - Available for download on I-Tunes
- Daniel Santos - "Se Me Olvido Tu Nombre" - From the album Boleros Para Recordar - Island Records - Available for download on I-Tunes
- Joe Cuba Sextette - "A Las Seis" - From the album Steppin' Out - Polygram Records
- Louie Ramirez - "Yambu" - From the single Ali Baba/Yamba - Emusica Records - Available for download on I-Tunes
- Marvin Santiago - "Fuego a la Jicotea" - From the album Old School Original Salsa Classics - Universal Latino Records
Dr. J. Lorand Matory, Ph.D. "An African Empire in the Americas: Transnational Yoruba Religion and the
Twilight of Andersonian Teleology"
===> Click To Hear "An African Empire in the Americas" part 1
===> Click To Hear "An African Empire in the Americas" part 2
===> Click To Hear "An African Empire in the Americas" part 3
J. Lorand Matory
Professor of Anthropology and of African and African American Studies
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA
Thursday, September 28, 2006
5:30 p.m.
Breedlove Room, Perkins Library, Duke University
An African Empire in the Americas: Transnational Yoruba Religion and the
Twilight of Andersonian Teleology
Professor Matory studies the diversity of African, African American, and
Latin American culture, with an emphasis on how differently various peoples
understand identity. He is also interested in Haitian "Vodu," Brazilian
Candomblé, and Cuban Santería, which, although rooted in Africa, have
deeply penetrated our urban landscape in the wake of immigration from the
Caribbean to the United States. These fields inform his lecturing and
writing on the poetics and politics of daily language in the United States,
which explores such topics as how culturally idiosyncratic metaphors of
lightness, darkness, time, money, size, and direction often guide and
misguide our thinking about the world.
Professor Matory has published Sex and the Empire that Is No More (1994),
which concerns male wives and female husbands in Yoruba religion and
politics, and was noted by Choice magazine as one of the outstanding
scholarly books of 1994. Gender, nationalism, and the role of manumitted
black travelers in shaping the Afro-Brazilian Candomblé religion are the
subject of his latest book--Black Atlantic Religion: Tradition,
Transnationlism and Matriarchy in the Afro-Brazilian Candomblé (paperback
edition, 2005).
Professor Matory grew up in Washington, D.C. He earned his A.B. in
anthropology from Harvard in 1982 and his Ph.D. in anthropology from the
University of Chicago in 1991. He speaks French, Spanish, Portuguese, and
Yoruba fluently. He has won numerous fellowships and awards and continues
to serve on the advisory board of GLQ, a Journal of Lesbian and Gay
Studies, as well as the editorial council of Brazil's flagship journal of
black studies, Afro-Asia.
Recent Publications
Black Atlantic Religion: Tradition, Transnationalism, and Matriarchy in the
Afro-Brazilian Candomble, (Princeton University Press, 2005)
Sex and the Empire That is no More: Gender and the Politics of Metaphor in
Oyo Yoruba Religion, (Berghahn Books, paperback 2005)
Noche de Candela - September 15, 2006
===> Click To Hear "Noche de Candela part 01"
===> Click To Hear "Noche de Candela part 02"
===> Click To Hear "Noche de Candela part 03"
Part 01: Intro by Dr. Patrice Gouveia Marks, Dr. Marco Polo Hernández Cuevas and Dr. Ian Isidore Smart
Part 02: Dr. Johnny Webster and Professor Achameleh Debela
Part 03: Professor Kimberly Hernández and Dr. Marco Polo Hernández Cuevas
"Noches de Candela" poetic vigils are a series of literary events aimed at invoking the Oshun-Chango spirit to produce a major "Rumba in San Juan de Ulúa" fortress in Veracruz, Mexico summer 2007 where humanists are to meet to pay homage to the African ancestors through their song and witnessing. San Juan de Ulúa was the door of entry for hundreds of thousands of enslaved Africans during the Spanish colonial period which lasted around three hundred years in that region of the continent now a part of Mexico. This foremost chapter of the history of the diverse African presence and permanence in Mexico has been kept silent. The souls of these ancestors are trapped in oblivion, official negation and the Eurocentric account of the facts that has dominated Mexican history. The common thread for these events will be "Marronage and Manumission in the Americas: an Alternate Vision of Planetary History."
The first "Noche de Candela" is scheduled from 7:00 to 10:00 pm September 15, 2006 at the "Duke Center for Multicultural Affairs" at the Bryan Student Center 120 Science Drive, Durham, NC 27708. Campus West.
Participants include Trinbagonian author, critic and Howard professor Dr. Ian Isidore Smart who will speak on Carnival; Dominican poet and critic, NCCU professor Dr. Johnny Webster who will read poetry from his anthology Pies horadados (Santo Domingo: Talleres, 2000) and present the Cuban documentary El alacrán (Dir. Gloria Rolando; La Habana: TV Latina, 1999); Ethiopian artist, NCCU Professor Achameleh Debela who will present some images from ALARA 2006 in Veracruz; NCCU Professor Kimberly Hernández who will speak of the production of Padre Glyn Jemmott's DVD interview; critic and author Dr. Marco Polo Hernández Cuevas from NCCU who will be the MC and read from his unpublished poetry anthology: "Eternity".
The State of Things "Black-Brown Relations in NC"
===> Click To Hear "Black-Brown Relations in NC"
Many thanks to the NPR "State of Things" Radio Program for permission to link to their important discussion on "Black-Brown Relations in NC." The State of Things homepage can be found here: Their podcast can be subscribed via this RSS feed:
Latino immigrants have changed the landscape of race discussions in North Carolina. Tensions between new immigrant populations and established African-American communities exist in both rural and urban areas of the state. Host Frank Stasio discusses the relationship between Latinos and African-Americans in North Carolina with: Paul Cuadros, a freelance writer based in Pittsboro; Marco Polo Hernandez Cuevas, associate professor of Spanish at North Carolina Central University; Ajamu Dillahunt, founder of a North Carolina labor alliance group; and, Alejandro Galvez Cruz, a community educator in Charlotte. Listener call-in
Dr. David Kalivas, Ph.D. "Age of Discovery"
===> Click To Hear "Age of Discovery" part 1
===> Click To Hear "Age of Discovery" part 2
The "Age of Discovery" lecture makes the distinction between Discovery and Conquest. The lecture also gives background into the bringing of Slaves to the New World.
David M. Kalivas is Professor of History at Middlesex Community College. He also serves as coordinator of their global studies program. Dr. Kalivas is Senior Editor of the H-Net list H-World, which serves as the primary listserve for discussion of world history and is affiliated with the World History Association (WHA). He has over two decades of teaching experience at Middlesex Community College and has been an innovator in online social science curriculum development. He also has experience with the history of Russia and Central Asia, having traveled in and taught about both regions. Dr. Kalivas lectures on international affairs, with an emphasis on Central Asia and the Middle East. He has lectured widely, from invited speaker to the University of Maryland’s Humanities lecture series, to the Peabody Essex Museum, Stockholm School of Economics in Latvia, Moscow Pedagogical University, the University of Plymouth, Primary Source, and other areas/organizations in his region.
Dr. Kalivas' "World History Podcast" can be found on and subscribed to via iTunes. Here is the RSS feed for the podcast:
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Related to the above lecture please listen to the third item in this Archaeology podcast "Isotope analysis reveals earliest African slaves in New World"
30 January - 05 February 2006
News items read by Laura Kelley include:
GPR reveals puzzle buried in Georgian Civil War cemetery (details)
Context of ancient Egyptian royal statue head comes into question (details)
this article can also be found at:
Isotope analysis reveals earliest African slaves in New World (details)
Canary Island crypt reveals its past (details)
===> Listen to the News for Week of 30 January - 05 February 2006 Podcast
============== ============== ==============
Coyote, Mulatto, Negro
The Indigenous* community need go no further than the baptism records of the late 18th century
and early 19th century to find that a significant percentage of the population was Black. The
scribes had many terms to describe the percentages of a persons racial lineage:
1. Mestizo: Spanish father and Indian mother
2. Castizo: Spanish father and Mestizo mother
3. Espomolo: Spanish mother and Castizo father
4. Mulatto: Spanish and black African
5. Moor: Spanish and Mulatto
6. Albino: Spanish father and Moor mother
7. Throwback: Spanish father and Albino mother
8. Wolf: Throwback father and Indian mother
9. Zambiago: Wolf father and Indian mother
10. Cambujo: Zambiago father and Indian mother
11. Alvarazado: Cambujo father and Mulatto mother
12. Borquino: Alvarazado father and Mulatto mother
13. Coyote: Borquino father and Mulatto mother
14. Chamizo: Coyote father and Mulatto mother
15. Coyote-Mestizo: Cahmizo father and Mestizo mother
16. Ahi Te Estas: Coyote-Mestizo father and Mulatto mother
My eyes were opened widely when I found out my paternal GGG-Grandmother,
Maria Benita del Refugio Miranda (dob: January 7, 1801), pages (1) (2) from the
Tepetongo, Zacatecas area was called a "Coyote." Then I discovered others from this
area were referred to as Mulatto and Negro. On my maternal side I found that
my Mt-DNA halogroup was L1a which also pointed me to this description:
"This haplogroup dates to approximately 40,000 years ago, and is detected in
highest frequency in sub-equatorial Africa."
We as members of the Indigenous* peoples of the Americas need to open our eyes
and realize that a very high percentage of us should look on members of the Black Race
not only as our fellow brothers in the human race, but also as possible "Primos" as
common blood courses through our veins.
Coming soon to the Nuestra Familia Unida Podcast Project will be poetry and educational material of the highest possible level to discuss the African presence and life in Colonial Mexico and Latin America.
*(as in Latina/Latino, Hispanic, Chicana/Chicano, Mexicana/Mexicano, and all other descriptors identifying the peoples of the America's and Western Hemisphere.)