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Mark Guerrero (
Mark Guerrero Short Bio
Mark Guerrero was born in Los Angeles, California, grew up in East Los
Angeles, and graduated from California State University, Los Angeles, with a
B.A. in Chicano Studies. He began playing in rock & roll bands
at age 12 and led the popular East Los Angeles band Mark & the Escorts, who
recorded two singles for G.N.P. Crescendo Records in 1965. He has
recorded as a solo artist for Ode Records in 1971 (produced by the legendary
Lou Adler), Capitol Records in 1972, and with his group Tango for A&M Records
in 1973. His songs have been recorded by artists such as Herb Alpert, Trini Lopez,
Chan Romero, and his late father, Lalo Guerrero. In the nineties, Mark Guerrero put
a band together to back up his dad in concert. Lalo Guerrero with Mark Guerrero &
the Second Generation Band played numerous venues, including the Cite de Musique in
Paris, France, The Getty Museum in Los Angeles, and in Lalo's hometown of Tucson, Arizona.
In 2002, Mark formed a band as a vehicle for his original material called Mark Guerrero &
Radio Aztlán. They've played concerts on the bill with other top Chicano artists such as
Tierra, El Chicano, Malo, and Little Willie G. & Thee Midniters. Mark has recorded with
Harry Nilsson, performed with Eric Burdon, sung background vocals on Los Lobos'
"Papas Dream" album, and in 2003 performed as a member of the legendary
Chicano/Native-American band, Redbone. Mark Guerrero also hosts a popular Chicano
music website,, which is dedicated to promoting and chronicling
Mark's music and history, as well as the history of Chicano music in general. Mark's
articles on Chicano music have appeared on websites and magazines around the world.
Mark Guerrero also has an internet radio show called "Chicano Music Chronicles," which
can be heard on For more information on Mark Guerrero and to obtain
his music, visit
===> Click on this link to listen to the "Days of the Dons"
Days of the Dons
In the Southwest of this land
Before the Yankees dealt their hand
Descendants of conquistadors
Enjoyed the booty of their wars
Oh how the Indians paid the price
For Spanish jewelry silk and spice
The days of the dons were quite romantic they say
Riding their horses in the plaza by day
Sweet senoritas gently fanning the air
Waving at children as they played in the square
Lush Spanish gardens with well manicured lawns
But all was not rosy in the days of the dons
A feudal system was in place
To control the Indian race
They were slaves in their own land
And their religion it was banned
For generations they would sweat
Never to get out of debt
The days of the dons were quite romantic they say
Riding their horses in their dignified way
Sweet senoritas on verandas they stood
Serenaded by suitors whose intentions were good
Big haciendas with well manicured lawns
But all was not rosy in the days of the dons
The days of the dons went on and on
The colonial nightmare, it lasted so long
In a matter of time it all came to an end
But the scars that were caused, lord they’re still on the mend
The days of the dons, days of the dons, days of the dons
All was not rosy in the days of the dons
Days of the dons, days of the dons
They were romantic but I’m glad that they’re gone
Words & Music by Mark Anthony Guerrero
c 1992 Mark A. Guerrero. All Rights Reserved.
===> Click on this link to listen to "Eldorado"
Down by the waters of the Amazon
Lived an Indian chief and his people
He covered his body with the dust of gold
And plunged into Lake Guatavita
His subjects cast jewels and objects of gold
Into the glistening water
They called the proud man "the guilded one"
But his real name was Eldorado
Eldorado’s name lives on
His legend does the same
Eldorado’s gold is gone
Elusive as a flame
The conquistadors sailed across the sea
In search of the king and his treasures
Pizarro crossed the Andes, but happened upon
Another king’s gold for his pleasures
The Portuguese came, the Germans too
Their efforts proved to be folly
The English tried and failed in their relentless quest
With their great Sir Walter Raleigh
Eldorado, the lure will never wane
Eldorado, how they searched in vain
The legend grew and became a myth
From father to son and daughter
And I’ll tell you my friend that my most fervent hope
Is they never find, they never find
They never find Eldorado
Words & Music by Mark Anthony Guerrero
c 1995 Mark A. Guerrero. All Rights Reserved.